[WTS] Sony PS3 Dualshock 3 Wireless Bluetooth Controller

Price : RM 105 (Firm)

This packaging contains important safety precuastions.Carefully red the information on this package, including the inner panels , before use. For the details on connection and usage methods, refer to the instructions for the PS3 System and the instructions supplied with the playstation 3 format software.

The Dualshock 2 wireless controller has vibration action as well as motion-sensing functionality.
The vibration action when playing compatible playstation or playstation 2 format software a PS3 system may be different from when playing on a playstation system or playstation 2 system.

A USB cable is included.
  • To connect or charge the controller, use the USB cable(Type A-Mini-B) supplied with the PS3 System.

When disposing of the wireless controller
  • This product includes a Lithium-Ion rechargeable battery. For the details on the disposal method of the controller and battery, refer to the instructions for the PS3 System
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